Critical Resource Management ConfigurationNEW!

Critical resources are device IP addresses or interface destinations on the network that are deemed critical to the health of the network. The critical resource feature allows for the continuous monitoring of these addresses. A critical resource, if not available, can result in the network suffering performance degradation. A critical resource can be a gateway, a AAA server, a WAN interface, or any hardware or service on which the stability of the network depends. Critical resources are pinged regularly by the access point. If there is a connectivity issue, an event is generated stating a critical resource is unavailable. By default, no critical resource policy is enabled, and one needs to be created and implemented.

Critical resources can be monitored directly through the interfaces on which they are discovered. For example, a critical resource on the same subnet as the access point can be monitored by its IP address. However, a critical resource located on a VLAN must continue to be monitored on that VLAN.

You can configure critical resources for access points and wireless controllers using their respective profiles.